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Open sourcing the PACE mobile app

June 18, 2024
Privacy is a fundamental right, and we believe that it should be the default. We are committed to build a product that is private by design, and we want to be transparent with our users. That is why we are open sourcing the PACE mobile app.

A New Chapter

We have started to build PACE in 2022 and have silently released the very first version of the mobile app on January 2023. In the following months, we have added some features like support for cycling and better activity recording. Up until now, we were working on PACE on the side with limited resources. We have reached a point where we are confident about the foundation of the mobile app, ready to be open source.

Mobile App

We are excited to announce that the PACE mobile app code is now completely open source. You can find the code on GitHub. From now on, anyone can independently inspect the code, build the app and understand how the encryption and security protocols are implemented.

React Native NaCL Module

We also maintain the React Native module react-native-nacl-jsi that we use to encrypt the data on Android and iOS using the popular cryptography library Sodium.


We welcome contributions and feedback from the community. If you have any questions or ideas, please get in touch with us on X.

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